Shintsha Isitolo


I-Drivers License

Lo msebenzi udinga ilayisense yokushayela yamazwe ngamazwe noma eminye imibhalo evumela ukuthi ushaye ezitaladini zomphakathi eJapan.

Qaphela!     Uma ufika esitolo sethu ngaphandle kwemibhalo yeqiniso edingekayo (ichazwe ngezansi), ngeke ukwazi ukubamba iqhaza kulo msebenzi futhi ngeke uthole ukubuya kwemali.

Sicela ufunde ngezansi ukuthi yimaphi imibhalo okufanele uyithole futhi uqinisekise ukuthi ungafika esitolo sethu nale mibhalo.

Sincoma ukuthi usithumele izithombe ze-licence yakho yokushayela nemibhalo oyitholile ngemva kokubhalisa umsebenzi wethu ngokusebenzisa i-chat noma i-imeyili ([email protected]) ukuze sikwazi ukuhlole kusenesikhathi uma kwenzeka izinkinga.

Uma ufuna ukwenza ukubhuka ezinsukwini eziseduze kakhulu, ungase ungabi nesikhathi esanele sokucela ukuthi sihlole. Kulokho, kuzomele uqinisekise mathupha ngaphandle kokubheka umphumela.

(Ungaphinde ushayele esikhungweni sokubhuka phakathi nezikhathi zokusebenza.)

Inqubomgomo yokukhansela ye-STREET KART ivumela kuphela ukukhansela 7 izinsuku ngaphambi kwesikhathi sakho somsebenzi (Isikhathi esivamile saseJapan) ngaphandle kokukhokha imali yokukhansela.

Singabaphambili futhi inkampani enkulu yokushayela kwekati eJapan! Siqhubeka nokusebenzisana nabaningi abantu abadumile futhi siyindawo ethandwa kakhulu kubavakashi abaya eJapan! Ngakho-ke, sincoma kakhulu ukuthi ubhalise ngokushesha okukhulu.

License Type [1] Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Monaco, Taiwan


Local Driver License

Belgium,Monaco and Taiwan

Digital license is invalid in Japan

Authorized Japanese Translation

  • Japan Automobile Federation(JAF)
  • German Automobile Federation
  • the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association
  • ZIPLUS Inc. (Taiwan Only)
  • Embassies


** It is only valid for ONE YEAR from the date of entring Japan. **

About Authorized Japanese Translation Issuing Organizations in Japan

Authorized Japanese Translation can be issued by the Japan Automobile Federation (JAF) in Japan.
To obtain Authorized Japanese Translation from out side of JAPAN :

License Type [2] License Type International Driving Permit (Convention Geneva 1949)


International Driving Permit(IDP)
(1949 Convention ONLY)

Local Driver’s License

The local driver's license may be used
to check for any differences with the IDP.


** IDP cannot be issued in Japan. You must obtain the IDP in your home country BEFORE coming to Japan **

International Driving Permit (IDP) Valid in Japan

The IDP must meet ALL of the following conditions(①~⑦).
** If your IDP does not meet 1 or more of the conditions, please contact us URGENTLY. **

  1. ① The country must be a signatory to the Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949) recognized by the UN.
    • Countries not listed in the following list (Mexico, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc.) are not a member and invalid.
  2. ② The I.D.P. must be issued by a certificated organization recognized by the country or authority.
    • (AAA for USA, CAA for Canada, AAA for Australia, AA for UK)
    • ** Unauthorized organizations are selling SCAM FAKE IDP on the internet. Beware of fraud! **
  3. ③ The IDP must be in the form of a PAPER BOOKLET.
    • All card-type IDPs, digital IDPs, single paper IDPs and photocopies, are not valid in Japan.
  4. ④ The IDP must be issued in accordance with the Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949).
    • (Most valid IDPs have "1949" written on the cover. If "1968" is written on the cover, please contact us.)
  5. ⑤ The license category of the IDP must be written as A, B, C, D, or E.
  6. ⑥ The IDP must have a stamp or mark in the B section of the license category.
  7. ⑦ The date of use must be within one year of the date of issue of the IDP AND within one year of entering Japan.

Signatory to the Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949) / IDP Issuing Countries for Japan

License Type [3] ONLY FOR U.S. Armed Forces Member & Family

U.S. State Local Driver’s License


U.S. SOFA (USFJ 4EJ)/Military Driving License


U.S. DoD/Military ID
(ACTIVE DUTY Uniformed Services)
or Documents proving (A)(B)(C) below

** We are an authorized contractor with direct contracts with U.S. military bases and camps in Japan **

U.S. military personnel covered by the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement

(A) the personnel on active duty belonging to the land, sea or air armed services of the United States of America when in the territory of Japan.

(B) the civilian persons of United States nationality who are in the employ of, serving with, or accompanying the United States armed forces in Japan, but excludes persons who are ordinarily resident in Japan.

(C)Family member of (A) or (B). And (1)Spouse, and children under 21, or (2)Parents, and children over 21, if dependent for over half their support upon a member of the United States armed forces or civilian component.

License Type [4] Japanese Driver’s License

Japanese Driver License

Driver's license for residents of Japan

The Japanese driver's license is issued for permanent residents and mid to long-term visitors. It is not for short-term visitors or travelors.
For more information on switching your foreign driver's license to a Japanese license or obtaining a new Japanese driver's license;
please contact the Japanese police.



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Uzodinga ilayisensi yokushayela yaseJapan esebenzayo, i-International Driving Permit, i-SOFA License yamabutho ase-US e-Japan, noma ilayisensi yakho yokushayela kanye nokuhunyushwa ngokusemthethweni kwesiJapane uma uvela eSwitzerland, eJalimane, eFrance, eTaiwan, eBelgium noma eMonaco. Khumbula! AKUNALO ILAYISENSI, AKUKHONA UKUSHAYELA!
Ngemininingwane eyengeziwe.