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Drivers License

Street Kart is a activity driving on the public road in Japan.
So you need your effective driver license in Japan.

  1. 01Japanese Driving License
    The driver license for residents in Japan.
  2. 02SOFA Driving License for US Forces Japan(在日米軍個人車両操縦許可証)
    The SOFA driver license for US Forces Japan is acceptable.
    International Driving Permit issued by AAA or AATA is acceptable.
    and States Side Drivers License with US Militaly ID are acceptable.
  3. 03Passport with Foreign driving license (issued in Switzerland, Germany, France, Taiwan, Belgium, Estonia or Monaco) with Japanese Translation by authorized organization.
    If you have a domestic driving license of Switzerland, Germany, France, Taiwan, Belgium, Estonia or Monaco, and its Japanese translation, you are allowed to drive in Japan for one year from the date of entry into Japan. Please take the following two documents and your passport with you.

    **Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Estonia, Monaco
    An authorized organization in Japan is JAF or the embassy and consulate.
    An authorized organization in Japan is JAF or 台北駐日経済文化代表処(Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Fukuoka, Naha)
    An authorized organization in Taiwan is the East Asia Relations Commission(亜東関係協会)(Driver's License Center)
  4. 04Passport with An international driving Permit (issued by a signatory to the 1949 Geneva Convention)
    An international driving license is valid for one year from the date of issuance (the date of issuance to be confirmed), and the period of validity for driving a car in Japan is one year from the date of entry into Japan (the date of entry to be confirmed with the entry stamp in the passport). Those with an international driving permit issued under different conventions – the 1926 Paris Convention, the 1943 Washington Convention and the 1968 Vienna Convention – are not allowed to drive in Japan.
    You can get it only in your country with only paper work.
    In France, Belgium and Monaco IDP issued by a signatory to the 1949 Geneva Convention is not published.
    ALL PLASTIC drivers license card is NOT allowed to drive in Japan.
    All Paper-Book style drivers license without "1949" on the surface is NOT allowed to drive in Japan.
    Drivers license for EU is NOT allowed in Japan.
    But the EU license ONLY BY Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Estonia, or Monaco is allowed to drive in Japan WITH Japanese Translation by authorized organization and the passport.